This is a course available for the assessment propose on various aspects.

11+ exams can be  stressful  childhood experience for your child in the event if  11+ learning journey is not comfortable and enjoyable for both yourself and your child.

As a parent you can self- evaluate your child in different aspects ( Maths, English, Verbal Reasoning and Non- Verbal Reasoning)  and determine whether you are comfortable with the journey towards 11+ entrance exam success. 

You can self-enrol into some of the tests free of charge  once you register with the 11+ PaperClass Success ©  portal. 

Results will be available instantly  and have the facility to review questions and answers.

 Install Safe Exam Browser in your PC. 

 Link is available to download Safe Exam Browser  when you try your first exam and installation will take approximate 15 minutes.

Once you install Safe Exam Browser , press launch Safe Exam Browser button. It will ask you to re-login into 11+ Educational Portal and follow the instructions.


उपलब्ध पाठ्यक्रम

Year 4 Assessment Test is suitable for the students who are currently in Year 3/Year 4 UK primary school education. There are two tests to assess maths and English  knowledge. Parents can make the payment via PayPal or contact 11PCS team to arrange the assessment test. Cost of the assessment t…
11+ PaperClass Success© provides parent to assess their children on 11+ journey. Difficulty level of the questions are closer to the actual exam questions, and therefore those who are currently studying in Year 5 will be recommended to take up this assessment test. There are 50 questions in total …

Free access to GL Assessment Familiarisation Tests with time managed exam environment.